• living in a smaller home
    Home and Family,  Lifestyle,  Simple Living

    How Living in a Smaller Home Can Make You Happier

    Living in a smaller home isn’t just a smart financial decision. It can improve your quality of life in so many ways. It makes life simpler, less stressful, and more enjoyable. And living small can make you richer, healthier, and happier, too! American houses have grown far too big. The average size of new homes built in the United States grew 62 percent from 1,660 square feet in 1973 to 2,687 square feet in 2015, an increase of 1,027 square feet, according to the U.S. Census Bureau. Chances are, you are currently living in a big house, too, and it may be causing you more stress than you realize. If your house…

  • Lifestyle,  Simple Living

    19 Ways to Make Your Life Better

    In this time and age, we are all keeping busy, and all of us are struggling with something. Life can sometimes be overwhelming and very stressful. At times, we may even feel like we are not living the life we have always wanted to, because having a busy life doesn’t necessarily mean it’s a meaningful and fulfilling one. If you are tired of the life you are living and looking for simple ways to make your life better, here are 19 simple things you can start implementing right away that will make you happier, healthier, and more productive! 1. Get enough sleep We all know, more or less, the importance of getting…

  • spending time with family
    Home and Family,  Lifestyle,  Simple Living

    Are You Spending Enough Quality Time With Your Family?

    A recent study shows that most people these days don’t spend enough quality time with their family to create a strong and healthy relationship with their spouse, children, or parents. Spending quality family time in this busy day and age is a challenge for many. A new survey revealed that average American families are enjoying just 37 minutes of “quality time” together as a family on a regular weekdays. That gets little better at 2 hours and 40 minutes on weekend days. While American adults spend nearly 3 hours a day on social media, spending just 37 minutes a day with family sounds pretty disheartening. Due to lack of family…

  • simple life
    Lifestyle,  Simple Living

    How I Keep My Life Simple (and You Can, Too!)

    A simple life doesn’t just happen. You need to work on simplifying your life in order to live simply. Life has a tendency to get easily complicated if you don’t take care of your physical, mental, emotional, and financial issues, and don’t try to manage them well by keeping things simple. “To realize the soothing power of a simple life is to find the secret of happiness!”. ~ Mehmet Murat Ildan. A simple life is usually a happy life. Simplifying your life will bring you balance, freedom, joy, and peace of mind. When you get rid of the stuff or people that make life complicated and stressful, you find more…

  • teach your kids gratitude
    Home and Family,  Lifestyle,  Simple Living

    How to Teach Your Kids Gratitude

    Teaching kids gratitude goes beyond simply teaching them good manners and being polite. Gratitude is more than that. It is a lifestyle that leads us to a positive mindset, healthier and stronger relationships, and overall contentment. Teaching your kids gratitude is about teaching them to appreciate everything they have, and teaching them to show generosity and compassion to others – which actually contributes to their own happiness. What is Gratitude? According to the Merriam-Webster Dictionary, gratitude is simply “the state of being grateful.” It is a strong feeling of appreciation to someone or something for the good that person has done, and readiness to return that kindness. The Harvard Medical School provides more details,…

  • multi-purpose family room
    Home and Family

    How a Multi-purpose Family Room Can Strengthen Your Relationships

    All families have their own priorities that are unique to their own circumstances. But every family has one common desire – to bond with each other and spend quality time together. As a family, our quality of living greatly depends on the ability to care for others and how we share our joy, happiness, concern, values, and how we connect with each other on a regular basis. And having a multi-purpose family room in your home can strengthen your relationships and bring the whole family closer. If your home does not have a common seating area where all the family members can gather to catch up, to share stories, to…

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