• questions to ask before buying
    Lifestyle,  Personal Finance,  Simple Living

    Think Before You Spend: 12 Essential Questions to Ask Yourself Before Buying Anything New

    If you’re trying to adopt minimalism and simple living, or working towards attaining financial freedom and accomplishing your long-term goals, you should be intentional with your money and always ask a few helpful questions to yourself before buying any new stuff and adding that to your material possession. So often we buy things thinking we “need” that, only to find out later that it’s not really something that we use often, or that we truly need. We waste a lot of money on mindless purchases, and thus, also collect clutter in our homes.   While shopping, you should deliberately make sure that your motivation behind every purchase is to add…

  • living beyond your means
    Personal Finance

    14 Warning Signs That You’re Living Beyond Your Means

    Living beyond your means has become so easy and common these days, especially since we live in a time when buying on credit and overspending has become the norm. If someone is living beyond their means, they’re spending more money than they can afford – the money they don’t even have. If someone is living within their means, they’re sticking with a sustainable budget and not overspending. But just because overspending and carrying credit card’s debt seem so normal nowadays doesn’t mean you aren’t doing a real harm to your current and future financial well-being by following the trend. You must live within your means to attain financial freedom and avoid unnecessary stress. If you’re now wondering whether you’re…

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  • simplify your financial life
    Lifestyle,  Personal Finance,  Simple Living

    20 Ways to Drastically Simplify Your Financial Life

    Are you looking for ways to simplify your financial life? Unfortunately, most people’s finances are too complicated which is not good. It impacts on other areas of their lives, too. If your financial life is complicated and messy, it leads to procrastination and a lot of stress. When you take steps to simplify your finances, you are likely to reduce costs, save more money, and increase your financial security, independence, and peace of mind. Here are 20 tips for how to simplify your financial life and take back control of your finances so you can spend more time and energy on things that truly matter! 1. Track your expenses Before you…

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  • Living paycheck to paycheck
    Personal Finance

    How to Stop Living Paycheck to Paycheck

    Living paycheck to paycheck is a common reality for so many people these days. If you are working like crazy to support yourself and your family, and still barely getting by, you might feel better to know that you are far from alone. As many as 78% of American full-time workers are living paycheck to paycheck to make ends meet, according to a 2017 survey done by CareerBuilder.com, a leading job site.  According to this same survey: Nearly one in 10 workers making $100,000+ live paycheck to paycheck More than 1 in 4 workers do not set aside any savings each month Nearly 3 in 4 workers say they are…

  • person in debt
    Personal Finance

    15 Possible Reasons Why You Are In Debt

    Over the last decade, more and more people have found themselves deep in debt. You might be one of them. While there are some obvious reasons for you and others to be in debt, there are also many other reasons that might have contributed to your current financial status which could have been avoided. Being in debt is no fun. It’s highly stressful, and embarrassing, too. It also affects your relationship with your loved ones, and creates chaos in your family life. Learning and understanding why you have debt is the first step to controlling it and, ultimately, getting rid of it. If you don’t understand your reasons for having…

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  • financial stress
    Personal Finance

    Proven Ways to Reduce Your Financial Stress Significantly

    Financial concerns have been proven to cause much stress and anxiety. Almost everyone is affected by financial stress at some point in their lives. It comes with various levels of intensity. According to a 2018 study conducted by Northwestern Mutual, 44 percent of Americans were more stressed out about money than any other issue. A person’s financial situation has a significant impact on their mental and physical well-being. WebMD lists finances as a major stressor that’s capable of triggering long-term diseases – causing you more stress and busting your budget even more. Financial stress can put a strain on other aspects of your life, too. It can affect your relationships with your…

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