• questions to ask before buying
    Lifestyle,  Personal Finance,  Simple Living

    Think Before You Spend: 12 Essential Questions to Ask Yourself Before Buying Anything New

    If you’re trying to adopt minimalism and simple living, or working towards attaining financial freedom and accomplishing your long-term goals, you should be intentional with your money and always ask a few helpful questions to yourself before buying any new stuff and adding that to your material possession. So often we buy things thinking we “need” that, only to find out later that it’s not really something that we use often, or that we truly need. We waste a lot of money on mindless purchases, and thus, also collect clutter in our homes.   While shopping, you should deliberately make sure that your motivation behind every purchase is to add…

  • financial goals
    Lifestyle,  Personal Finance,  Simple Living

    The Top Financial Goals That Will Simplify Your Life

    The simplicity of your life largely depends on how you organize and manage your finances. Without setting some serious financial goals and having a plan to achieve them, you can’t really simplify your life much. Since money impacts so many aspects of your life, having financial goals can help shape your future by influencing the actions you take today. Financial goals will help you change your mindset, your habits, and your life. Whether you want to pay off your debt, save up to buy your first home, build an emergency fund, or jump start your retirement savings, you should have your top financial goals chalked out so you can work…

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  • tax refund
    Personal Finance

    Tax Refund: How to Make the Most of Your Extra Money

    It’s February, and soon you’re getting a tax refund from Uncle Sam. According to the IRS, the average tax refund is $3,120, and most people receive the money within three weeks of filing their returns. That’s a nice chunk of extra money. While it may be tempting to buy a new car, splurge on latest gadgets, or upgrade your furniture or wardrobe, it’s a better idea to spend that money wisely so you can achieve financial freedom, enjoy peace of mind, improve your quality of life, and save more money in the long run. Much of your financial and mental well-being depends on how well you manage your money. Here are 11…

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  • savings you need
    Personal Finance

    6 Kinds of Savings You Need to Boost Your Happiness

    They say, “Money can’t buy you happiness”, but it can certainly buy you peace of mind and better physical and emotional health which can eventually boost your happiness. How? Money is a leading cause of stress and anxiety, and there is no arguing that. Our ever-changing financial situation worries us more than our work/job, family, and even our health. According to the American Psychological Association (APA), financial stress is the top cause of stress for Americans. And it’s a well-known fact that stress affects our health and well-being seriously, and is also believed to contribute to poor decision-making. But if you have the right kinds of savings that you need, you can…

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  • how minimalism can save money
    Lifestyle,  Personal Finance,  Simple Living

    Smart Ways Minimalism Saves You Money and Improves Your Finances

    A lot of people don’t notice but the truth is minimalism saves you money even when saving money is not your top priority, simplifying your life is. Minimalism is a conscious lifestyle choice that focuses on reducing the clutter in your life both in material possessions and in other distractions. People who embrace it find ways to eliminate the distractions from their lives, and it opens up more opportunities for them in other areas.  Embracing minimalism does not mean that you stop spending money on things. But it can mean that you spend your money – intentionally, on other meaningful things instead of unnecessary stuff, and your focus may change from…

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  • save money
    Personal Finance

    52 Easy Ways to Save Money and Build Wealth

    Many people feel overwhelmed about how to save money. While spending money is something we all can do very well, saving money needs careful thoughts, planning, efforts, and some changes in our habits. Not that many people find this exciting. About 65% of Americans save very little money or nothing at all. About 1 in 5 Americans or 20% of American people are not saving any money from their annual income. Some people think it needs a lot of sacrifice to come up with some extra money to save. But in reality, saving money doesn’t always need sacrifices. More than sacrifices, it needs understanding of your finances and a little…

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