ways to relax
Lifestyle,  Self-care

23 Ways to Relax After a Long, Tiring Day

After having a long, tiring day at work or at home, we all want to take some rest and just relax. It’s so important for our mental and physical well-being that we take a peaceful break from our obligations and responsibilities, and do the things that relax our body and soul.

Life can be pretty stressful at times, and during those days we forget to pay attention to ourselves. Ignoring our own well-being and self-care can trigger more stress and anxiety, and make things harder for us to deal with.

When we relax, especially after a long, tiring day – the flow of blood increases around our body giving us more energy. It helps us to have a calmer and clearer mind which aids positivity, concentration, strong memory and decision making. Relaxation slows our heart-rate, reduces our blood pressure, and relieves stress and anxiety. As a result of that, we feel happier and healthier.

Therefore, it’s necessary that you take time to relax and unwind after a long, tiring day to give your mind, brain, and body the rest they deserve so you can enjoy your life more.

Ways to Relax When You Are Tired and Stressed Out:

We need to give ourselves a break on a regular basis, and a little downtime works well for almost everybody. We were not designed to go 24/7/365 without any rest or relaxation. It doesn’t really matter what the activity or inactivity is, or what you’re keeping yourself busy with. The idea is to give your body, mind, and brain a chance to relax and recharge. If you keep going at a full speed every single day without slowing down every once in a while, it can take a serious toll on you – both physically and mentally.

You can destress and relax in many ways – mostly by enjoying simple pleasures of life, after a long, tiring day at work or home, so you’re able to rest and start afresh the next day. They won’t cost you anything but will give you much needed energy and boost your happiness.

Today, I’m going to share some of my favorite ways to relax and rejuvenate after a stressful day:

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1. Take a Bath or a Hot Shower

Soaking your body in warm water after a stressful day can soothe your mind, especially if you add a scent to your experience with body wash or a candle. Try to go for soothing and relaxing scents like eucalyptus and lavender. Relax and unwind from a stressful day by creating a calm, relaxing environment in your bathroom, maybe consider reading while you soak or just lean back and close your eyes while enjoying some background music.

If a relaxing bath is not your option, you can take a hot shower to wash away all the stress from your body. It really works like a tonic! Take a steaming hot shower followed by a cool splash to energize every cell in your body. After you have scrubbed with warm water, switch to cold (if it’s a hot summer day) for around 30 seconds. You’ll feel so much better and relaxed right away!

ways to relax

2. Change into Comfortable Clothes

Many people still keep wearing their office or outside clothes even after they come home. When you’re home wearing formal, outside clothes, somehow it affects your mood.

Unless you slip into something clean, soft, and comfortable, you’ll not feel fresh and be able to relax. Sweatpants, yoga pants, trousers, or just plain loose pajamas will have you heading straight to a state of relaxation.

3. Drink Plenty of Water

When you’re stressed out or tired, your body gets easily dehydrated, and that affects your mood or state of mind.

So drink plenty of water to keep yourself hydrated. Various studies have shown that increasing your water intake improves your mood.

4. Pray or Meditate

For those of you who believe in the power of prayer, you know that it can instantly calm your spirit and make you feel better. For me, one of the the best ways to deal with any type of anxiety is through prayer. When I bring my concerns to my Lord and seek His help, I feel relieved and calm.

You can also try meditation. Meditation is a tried and tested way to relax. When you first start meditating, your mind may wander around and not be still. You may feel you are not able to concentrate. However, slowly you’ll gain some control over your mind and you’ll experience calm and peace. You’ll destress from the problems you had during the day and feel calmer.

5. Do a Little Bit of Cleaning And Decluttering

According to a study featured in Personality and Social Psychology Bulletin, clutter can actually have negative effects on our mental health, with women who describe their homes as “cluttered,” or “unfinished,” generally having higher rates of stress and depression than women who described their living spaces as “restful,” and “restorative.”

So if you are feeling overwhelmed, do a quick cleaning and de-cluttering session. You’ll be able to breath a little easier and feel so much better!

Related post: Why Decluttering is Important for Self-care: Own Less, Stress Less, Enjoy More

6. Get a Head Massage

Getting a head massage after a long tiring day can be very relaxing. You can ask your spouse, your kids, or any family member to give you a head massage when you comfortably sit on your favorite chair or couch.

You can also put some oil on your hair and give yourself a relaxing head massage. But when somebody else does it for you, it feels so much better. It may even make you sleepy.

If you haven’t tried it before, try it soon. You’re going to love it!

You can also try a Spider head massager for your next head massage. I love this thing! It feels so good on your head! Plus, it’s very inexpensive. Use this one on your scalp, and let your stress melt away.

7. Smell an Orange

There is something magical about citrus fruit. According to a Prevention piece, research has shown that citrus scents have the power to calm our senses. And if you don’t want to always keep oranges in your home, think about getting a citrus-scented candle, or a citrus-based essential oil.

Personally, whenever I feel sluggish, tired, or a little down, a cup of pure orange juice instantly makes me feel better.

8. Enjoy Some Quiet Time

Sometimes all you need to unwind after a long, stressful day is silence. Find a quiet corner in your home, sit comfortably, and spend some time with yourself in silence – without making any noise, turning on the TV, or talking to anyone.

Being quiet for a while helps you calm down and sometimes even puts you into a new perspective about an issue that can reduce your stress.

9. Take a Nap

Have you ever tried taking power naps? It surely works wonders. Nap for about 15 to 20 minutes when you get back home. You’ll wake up refreshed and rejuvenated.

After a long day at work, many people feel exhausted when they come back home. When you feel like that, allow yourself to take a nap. It will relax your mind and reduce the physical and mental exhaustion that you go through – all day. Your body and mind will thank you for the rest.

10. Enjoy Time With Family

Your family (your spouse, kids, parents, or siblings) is all the stressbuster you need. And the best part is that they are always there for you.

All you have to do is disconnect from the world and spend some quality time with them to feel better. Share your concerns with them, play a game together, laugh together, cuddle your kids, and feel happy.

Related post: Are You Spending Enough Quality Time With Your Family?

11. Go for an Evening Walk

Going for a walk outside is a great way to disconnect from everything that happened during the day. It allows you to enjoy the nature as well if you’re walking in a beautiful neighborhood, park, or in the wood. Looking at greenery can destress your eyes after looking at a screen for hours a day.

Time outdoors may also reduce your levels of the stress hormone cortisol, says clinical exercise physiologist Paul Innerd, Ph.D., of the University of Sunderland in the U.K. When you’re in motion, it boosts your mood, sharpens your thinking, and makes you feel calmer and more relaxed. This can help you reframe your perspective so you can return in a new state of mind and feel happier.

12. Enjoy The Sunset

I’m a huge nature lover, and from my own experience I can tell you that Mother Nature can make us feel good anytime. Sit outside on your porch (with a cup of tea or coffee if you like) and enjoy the beauty of the sunset.

We should intentionally slow down at times, and take time to enjoy and appreciate the beautiful little things in life to feed our minds and souls.

13. Enjoy a Cup of Tea or Coffee

If you enjoy tea as much as I do, make yourself a hot cup of tea after having a long day and drink it. There is something so comforting and refreshing about enjoying a hot drink in the evening.

According to the CalmClinic.com, a site devoted to holistic approaches to anxiety-reduction, certain teas are a great tool for stress management. They recommended teas like chamomile, lemon, peppermint, kava, and passionflower, but emphasized on the importance of choosing one without caffeine as that may disturb your sleep routine.

14. Read a Good Book

Getting lost in a good book after a long day is an amazing way to disconnect from technology and the world. It helps you forget about all your stress and work pressure, and diverts your mind from all the complications of life. 

Reading a good book while enjoying a cup of your favorite tea or coffee at the end of the day is the perfect way to unwind and relax!

15. Call a Loved One

Talking to a loved one you care about and who cares about you is a great way to finish your day. Having a good conversation and sharing your concerns and a few laughter with them will make you feel lighter, happier, and calmer after a long, tiring day. 

It also helps to relieve stress when you’re able to talk it out. Having someone who will just listen to you, without any snap judgment, is such a blessing. Just by talking things through and sharing your concerns, you can feel so much better, lighter, and relaxed.

16. Hug Someone You Love

A warm, tight hug can bring so much comfort when you are tired or stressed out. After a long day, sometimes all we need is to hug someone we love. All of us can probably agree that sometimes there is nothing like a hug when you’re feeling blue.

Scientists say that giving another person support through touch can reduce the stress of the person being comforted and make them happier. It can even reduce the stress of the person doing the comforting part. And it will also improve the relationship you have with your family members. So, it’s a win-win!

Family therapist Virginia Satir once said, “We need four hugs a day for survival. We need 8 hugs a day for maintenance. We need 12 hugs a day for growth.” While that may sound like a lot of hugs on a typical day, it seems that many hugs are better than not enough. So, do it more often. It doesn’t hurt at all!

17. Unplug From Technology

If you spend a lot of time working on a computer all day long, take advantage of the evening to unplug from all your devices.

After spending a major part of the day on laptops and smartphones, one obviously feels tired and wary. Unplugging from them in the evening and being mindful of your surroundings will give you a well-deserved break!

18. Eat Your Favorite Healthy Meal Mindfully

After a long day at work, take the time to cook your favorite healthy meal, and eat it as mindfully as possible. Don’t rush. Enjoy every bite, chew, and take your time to swallow. It can improve your digestion, but it’s also a great way to slow down for the evening.

If you have a family, make it a priority to prepare meals and have dinner together every single night. It’s a wonderful way to connect with each other and make memories.

19. Watch Your Favorite Show or a Movie

If you have been meaning to watch one of your favorite shows or a good movie lately, now is the time. Enjoying your favorite show on Netflix – curled up in the couch under a warm blanket can take your tension away and make you feel cozy. It definitely feels relaxing, and can release endorphins that make you feel good while you watch.

Some psychologists say watching our favorite shows on TV can be an effective way to relieve stress by distracting us from our tired, overworked minds and daily worries.

20. Light a Candle

Lighting candles creates a cozy, relaxing atmosphere in a home. Lavender scent is a well-known relaxant. Light some lavender or vanilla candles to calm not just your mind but also your surroundings.

Warming a scented oil on a diffuser can also do the same job just as well, if you don’t prefer candles or if you don’t have any.

21. Write in Your Journal

You would be surprised to know that writing is a great way to destress and unwind. If you maintain a diary or journal, then write in it after a stressful day.

Venting out your thoughts and concerns can help you relieve your tensions and relax.

22. Think About A Few Things You Are Grateful For

Thinking about your blessings can instantly boost your mood and make you feel better. When things get harder or you start to feel the pressure of life, having an attitude of gratitude can shift your mindset and help you focus on all the good things in your life.

When you practice gratitude daily – especially at the end of the day, and focus on what’s going right in your life instead of what’s going wrong, it will increase your happiness, and you’ll end your day with a good, positive feeling.

Related post: What Happens When You Practice Gratitude Every Day

23. Go to Bed Early

Getting a good night sleep is so important for you to feel energized during the day. Lack of sleep can make everything worse for you. To get enough sleep at night, make sure to go to bed early removing all the distractions from your bedroom. You’ll feel more rested and ready to face the world the following day!

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