A Calm and Peaceful Home: How to Create One of Your Own
A home is more than just a place to eat and sleep. It’s where we work, where we play, where we relax and unwind, where we take care of our loved ones, and where our families blossom. But when looking for ways to manage stress, people often overlook one of the simplest and most effective strategies: create a calm peaceful home. Since most of our days begin and end at home, having a peaceful home can help us keep our sanity to face a more stressful, chaotic world outside.
Is your home a place where you want to return after a long tiring day at work because that’s your personal sanctuary or just because you have nowhere else to go? Do you love walking through your front door? What do you feel – peace or anxiety?
Since your home is the place where you often seek refuge from the struggles of your every day life, your home needs to evoke a serene atmosphere and help you recharge and rejuvenate. If your home feels peaceful where the environment promotes an overall sense of well-being, you and your family will create more happy memories there to cherish for long.
Your children will appreciate that, too, because a peaceful home creates emotional security for your children. The world outside can be selfish, cruel, chaotic, and emotionally painful to deal with. But when your home is a sanctuary, your children are better able to weather the world outside their home – knowing they have a peaceful place waiting for them to return and take refuge in.
Ways to Create a Calm and Peaceful Home:
Your home should be your number one happy place.
Creating a tranquil peaceful home goes beyond your design aesthetic and stuff within a space. It’s less about how your home looks and more about how it feels. A peaceful home has nothing to do with your lifestyle or the size of your home either. It starts with some simple, mindful practices that allow you to de-stress and feel relaxed so you can get ready to face life’s challenges.
Here are some easy practical ways to transform your home into a calm and peaceful retreat.

1. Declutter:
Getting rid of clutter or unnecessary extra stuff can help you reduce your stress and anxiety, and create a calm, peaceful home. There is a direct link between too much home clutter and higher stress levels that has been made clear in numerous studies in recent years.
A study conducted by Princeton University Neuroscience researchers found that a messy, cluttered home environment impedes your ability to focus. When we can’t focus easily, our mental faculties get worn down and frustration ensues, causing stress.
To create a calm, peaceful, and relaxing home, it’s a good time to de-clutter and remove elements that cause stress, and add elements that create serenity. Remove the non-essentials or duplicate items, keep only what you need, love, and value.
Clutter takes up your precious living space and creates mess and chaos. It also takes more time cleaning up and tidying up which increases your stress level – both physically and emotionally. You will have a renewed sense of energy after discarding the items that weighed you down. You will remove a subtle but significant energy drain from your life and replace it with the feelings of relaxation that come from having your home as a stress-free zone.
You may also like: 10 Surprising Benefits of Decluttering Your Home
2. Organize and Decorate to Create a Peaceful Home:
Creating a peaceful home environment also includes keeping your home orderly. Create a daily or weekly routine to keep your home clean, clutter free, and organized. Find a place for everything you own. When your home environment is messy and chaotic, it directly affects your state of mind.
On the other hand, organization provides a sense of control, reduces stress, and increases your productivity. It also allows you to focus on the things that really matter avoiding all the unnecessary distractions. Letting go of the things that are neither useful nor beautiful will allow you to make room for those that are necessary and meaningful.
Also, take time to decorate your home in a way that reflects your taste, personality, values, and priorities. The sad reality is, many of us actually feel more stressed in our homes because they’re not decorated in a relaxing way. But the elements that impact our stress levels such as clutter, smells, color, and sounds can be altered easily.
Your home should be the reflection of you and your family. Display things that you love and cherish. Putting a little extra effort into organizing and decorating your home now will allow you to enjoy this place for years to come. Keeping your home organized and neat can make your home a safe, stress-free place to relax and unwind.
Related post: Is Your Home What it is Meant to Be?
Shop Some of our Recommendations for a Peaceful Home
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3. Create a Peaceful Physical Atmosphere:
A peaceful physical space can do wonders for how you and your family feel. Many people don’t consider the impact their physical home environment has on their emotional well-being. Know that the sounds, smells, and visuals in your home contribute to the feel of your home.
Try playing peaceful soft music and mild scented candles. The scents in an environment can be inviting, distracting, or downright repelling! There is some research that shows certain scents can, indeed, soothe, invigorate, and affect our moods and stress levels.
Personally, I can’t tolerate the smells of certain things. They irritate me and instantly make me feel sick!
So, decorate in a way that pleases your eyes and mind. All the senses impact the people who dwell in your home. So when you create an atmosphere that is in a harmony with all your senses, you and your family will feel calm and peace easily.

4. Strokes of Natural Light:
Natural light is a major contributor to wellness. A naturally lit room uplifts our mood, boosts our energy and productivity, and creates an overall tranquil atmosphere more than an artificially lit space. So keep the blinds, curtains, and windows open whenever possible during daytime to let some sunshine in. I promise you will feel better. I sure do!
For apartment dwellers with very little natural light, try incorporating reflective surfaces into the home. Place 2/3 large mirrors strategically. The amount of natural light will immediately double by allowing sunlight to reflect off those mirrors.
5. Use Soothing Colors:
Colors significantly affect your mood. If you want to feel peaceful in your home, having calm, soothing colors on the interior walls can greatly contribute to that feeling. When it comes to wall colors, opt for shades that create an overall sense of calm, such as cream, light blue, soft yellow, sage green, or any other colors that you love. Incorporate some of those colors into your home decoration pieces, fabrics, and furniture, too. Choose natural materials and texture to add some personality and warmth.
Also, the more consistent your color palette is throughout your house, the better your spaces flow together, and the more calming your home can feel and appear.
6. Reduce Noise Pollution to Create a Peaceful Home:
What you hear impacts how you feel. Noise pollution can create real stress, along with measurable negative effects. Similarly, soothing sounds can make you feel more relaxed inside. Noise pollution is known to trigger stress and interrupt sleep, so finding ways to reduce noise is essential to a calm, peaceful home.
If your home is too noisy or the location of your home is noisy, consider moving to a quiet neighborhood to avoid or minimize noise pollution in order to enjoy peace in your home. If noise is unavoidable, try an indoor fountain to mask everyday noises with something soothing and enjoyable.
Also, speak softly, and create a noise-free space in your home without any TV, electronics, or other noise producing elements where you can relax and unwind after a long day.
7. Bring Nature Home:
Nature creates peace and calm. Many people, when they feel stressed out, often go to a nearby park or beach, or go for a drive in the country to de-stress and relax. Why don’t bring nature home then? Buy some indoor plants that are easy to take care of. According to a study done by NASA, plants eliminate toxins from indoor spaces, thus re-oxygenating your home by cleaning air and water for indoor environments.
You can also display a few paintings of beautiful nature to go with your taste. That will have a calming effect on your mind.

8. Have Some Great, Calming Reminders:
Words are powerful, and when these words come with positive reminders and inspirations, they can affect your mood. A seashell from a favorite vacation, the word ‘relax’ or ‘breathe’ in a piece of art, or using some other calming and comforting words in a wall décor are small things that can really help create a peaceful environment in your home.
These small things can have some big psychological effects on how you feel about your home environment.

Parting Words:
It’s important to have a calm, peaceful abode where you can escape from the woes of life, and the insecurity and chaos of the world outside. Creating a peaceful home needs variable elements, but trying out the ideas above will help quiet your mind so you can truly relax and focus on the things you love and enjoy.
Also, train your mind to stay calm even when things don’t go the way you want them to. Focus on the good, positive things. Practice gratitude and enjoy some quiet time with yourself on a regular basis. Don’t respond to any negativity. That way you will be able to feel peace and calmness in your heart almost all the time.

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