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12 Effective Ways to Nurture Your Important Relationships

Relationships are at the center of who we are. Whether they are with a parent, spouse, or child, or your friend, or your boss, co-worker, or business partner, your most important relationships are worth the time and care you put into them. They are the people in your life who appreciate having you in theirs. These people not only embrace you as you are, but also encourage you to improve in healthy and exciting ways.

A relationship cannot survive on its own. You need to find effective ways to nurture your relationships that matter. Just like a plant, it needs constant care and attention. Your relationship with others needs the care and nurturing of two adults, giving to each other in a way that creates a mutually beneficial connection.

Be willing to give what you receive in a relationship. Relationships are two-way streets. Don’t expect what you are not willing to give. Do for others what you expect them to do for you. Start practicing this golden rule. If you want love, give love. If you want friends, be friendly. If you want loyalty, be loyal. It really is this simple. 

Things You Can Do:

Deeply connected relationships cultivate trust and mutual respect. Relationships take effort and hard work, but like anything important and meaningful in our life, they are well worth preserving. To foster a deep and loving relationship, there are certain things you need to do.

1. Make a dedicated time for those who matter to you:

Not every relationship is important to you, nor they should be. Once you sort out the people who truly matter, devote a portion of your day toward nurturing and strengthening those special relationships, even if it’s just 20/30 minutes a day. Let those who are close to you know that they are your priority.

If some of them live far from you, don’t let distance kill your relationship. In human relationships distance is not measured in miles, but in connection.  Two people can be right next to each other, yet thousand miles apart. So don’t ignore someone you care about. Find creative ways to stay in touch because lack of care hurts more than angry mean words. Make a phone call, talk to them, send them quick text messages, and visit them whenever possible. Because if someone matters to you, they are worth the extra effort. 

2. Kind and frequent communication:

A good relationship starts with good communication. If you want your relationship to prosper, you must be able to communicate well. Take time to talk and listen. Without talking and listening to each other, your relationships will not survive long. The more you communicate, the closer you will be. Don’t let silence get between what you have to say to each other. Good communication takes effort and attention. Don’t stop talking when something needs to be said and don’t speak when someone else needs to be heard.

3. Always keep your promises:

The best way to show people they’re important to you is to follow through on your commitments. If you say you are going to do something, DO IT! If you say you are going to be somewhere, BE THERE! Whenever you make a promise, try your best to keep it. Because if you take your promises and commitments lightly, it’s an indicator that you take your relationships lightly. Give more than what is expected, whenever possible. Show them that you do care!

4. Be honest and tell the truth:

Always be honest and truthful in your relationships. Don’t lie. Don’t tell half-truths and then expect people to trust you when the full truth comes out. Remember, love and friendship don’t hurt. Lying, cheating, and playing with people’s feelings and emotions hurts. Never mess with someone’s feelings just because you are unsure of yours. Always be open and honest.

You may also like: Honesty Can Make or Break a Relationship

5. Admit when you have made a mistake:

We all screw up. Learning to understand and let go of mistakes that you or other people make will turn your life around and give you more peace of mind. When you and your spouse have a problem or an argument, make sure you take responsibility for your part of the situation. Avoid playing the blame game, justifying or making excuses. Listen to what your significant other has to say without being defensive. Then apologize if appropriate and take responsibility for your actions.

Many people in life struggle to admit when a mistake has been made. If you are one of those people that feel you are always right, something as little as admitting you’ve made a small error couldn’t turn a relationship around. On the other side of the coin, learning to let go of these mistakes can help to push your relationship forward. So admit and say sorry. Your relationship matters more than your ego!

6. Be willing to work through difficulties and misunderstandings:

There are ups and down in relationships. They are not always easy to nurture and maintain. In your long-term relationships, there will be losses, challenges, and some things that you just can’t fix. Weathering the storms together is a big part of what relationships are all about. You must face the discomfort that comes with differing opinions and ideas. 

No matter what you do or say, there will always be someone who thinks differently. Don’t let those differences come between you and your relationship with others. Leave the petty arguments alone, and focus on strengthening your bond instead.

7. Accept people as they are:

In most cases it’s impossible to change them anyway. And if you try, you will probably create more stress and strains in your relationships. So save yourself from needless stress. Instead of trying hard to change others, accept them for who they are. If they truly matter to you, give them your support, and focus on the wonderful aspects of your relationships with them. They are special for a reason!


8. Appreciate and acknowledge:

Everyone wants to be appreciated. Don’t wait for perfection to strike. Just appreciate and enjoy your family, friends or colleagues for who they are. When they do something nice for you, don’t take that for granted. Nothing kills a relationship faster than having one person feel like they are not appreciated or valued. Make it a habit to appreciate and acknowledge their kindness and contribution – because when you don’t, they feel ignored and unappreciated. And that can badly affect your relationships with them.

9. Encourage others:

Encourage others to do better. Be happy for them when they make progress. Show your support and praise their efforts. Spread positivity and uplift their spirit. That will do wonders for your relationships. When your loved ones know that you have their back, it will increase the trust, connection, and love in your relationships. Also, what goes around comes around, and sooner or later the people you are cheering for will start cheering for you.

10. Share your life-stories and lessons with them:

Sharing is a form of intimacy. So, take time to share some of your important life-stories and lessons with those who are close to you like your spouse or your children or your good friends. That will create a special kind of connection between you and them.

11. Do little things with great love:

Little things do matter. They often occupy the biggest part of our hearts. You may think about the big events in life and have nice plans for them, but it’s those small things that you do for each other with great love and care are the things you remember with fondness. And the little things are not just those treasured moments, but it’s also those little gifts that you can give your loved ones to show them you are thinking about them. 

12. Practice gratitude:

Practicing gratitude is important for your emotional and mental well-being, and it has many health benefits as well. It’s also important to be grateful in your relationships. Think about what would happen if you weren’t in this relationship. Where would you be? How your life would be if these people were not in it? If you can practice gratitude for the presence of your loved ones and for the ability to share your life with them, it stops you from taking them for granted.

Final Thoughts

Your relationships are important. People who truly matter to you need your care and attention. Just like we need oxygen to survive, our relationships need their fair share of nourishment to flourish. Working on your important relationships is a way of life that’s worth pursuing because the quality of your life depends on the quality of those meaningful relationships. So, don’t take them for granted.

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